How to Protect Pets in Danger of Heatstroke


Pets provide companionship to their owners, they love to no end, and deserved to be treated the same. During the summer months the heat can be unbearable, but many people fail to think of how the heat can affect their pets. Pets need adequate cooling and hydration just like people do. There are many hazards that can cause harm to your pets that you might not know about.

Shade from the Sun

Providing plenty of shade for your pets will help your pet from overheating. Back porches with outdoor fans are an excellent source of cool down spots. Providing plenty of water can help keep your pet hydrated. Pets need water just like humans do so they do not dehydrate. (This is something that must be considered when figuring out how much water to store in your preps.) Remember during the summer months your HVAC system will be running full blast, and that can cause your condenser to drain excess water and gases out. This water mixture is contaminated and not good for your pets to drink, it is best to make sure your drain pans are emptied. Again, providing plenty of water for your pet to drink, will keep your pet from seeking out other forms of water.

Car Safety Tips

When going places this summer, if you bring your pet along, be sure that where you are going the pet can come with you. Leaving an animal in your car is never ideal, even with the windows cracked or down. The inside of your vehicle absorbs the heat from the windows, creating oven like temperatures inside. Sitting in extreme conditions can cause severe heat exhaustion or even death. Running the air conditioning while gone is not ideal either, because your car could overheat, or run out of gas. It is also illegal in some places to leave a pet in a vehicle unattended.

Careful of Window Units

If your pet is able to stay in your home, it is important to remember that if there is a window unit in your home that they not stay under or on top of it; this is a huge hazard to your pet and your home. Be able to mark off that area, so your pet is not able to be around it. Perhaps, keeping your pet in a well ventilated space with plenty of food and water is ideal. Running the window unit full blast is not ideal because this can cause the unit to overheat and quit performing. Setting the unit on reasonable temperature that will not overwork the unit, and keep your pet comfortable is ideal.

Air Filtration  

Speaking of ventilation, making sure that your HVAC system is in excellent working condition is not only beneficial to your, but your pet as well. Checking air filters routinely, can help cut down on the strain your system uses to cool your house. Also make sure that the vents are open and the air is not restricted. Before the summer season begins, it would be beneficial to have your HVAC system tuned-up by a service technician. They will be able to give you a heads up if there are any problems with your system, and make sure that everything is running smoothly.

Always check to see if there any signs of heat exhaustion or dehydration that your pet may be experiencing from being outside such as: excessive panting, lethargy, unusual behaviors, etc… If you notice any of the signs bring your pet in immediately. They may also need to see a veterinarian.Following these steps should help aid in your pet staying comfortable in the summer while you are away, or when they need to be outside.No one wants their loved ones to suffer from the summer’s extreme affects; these loved ones should include our pet friends.

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